Saturday, September 21, 2013

More Like Anna

This is my first blog.  I have been struggling with God over this blogging thing for several months.  I am finally surrendering to God to do this.  I am not normally a writer but  know that through all things with Jesus anything and everything is possible even blogging.

The story of Anna inspired me so much because we knew her life had to be a struggle.  She lost her husband after 7 years of marriage and never remarried.  She lived her life totally sold out to God.  She put all her focus on God instead of her own circumstances in life.  I think that is what appealed to me most about her.  I am sure she probably had very little to sustain herself with due t her husband's death. 

My husband and I are going through some tough times and we are learning from them.  We currently live in a very small house with just two rooms.  We have no living room just a large bedroom with a large kitchen and a small bathroom.  I forgot though we do have a long narrow room that is an open closet/laundry room and has space for storage.  But this was all we could afford.  I have learned to be content here.  However, since we have been here for almost 2 months, the oven has gone out the window unit air conditioner has quit working.  We are trying to live on my retirement from teaching which isn't much.  My husband has repaired the stove with the part that our landlord paid for.  However, when the only air conditioner broke down our landlord told us to start looking for another place to live.  Wow!  My husband and I have been looking for jobs.  I put in applications to substitute teach all over the area.  He is seeking a job in the ministry while preaching and leading bible study at a local  nursing home.  At age 55 he surrendered to the ministry. The work he is doing now is volunteer work and we really need an income.  I have gone to training on one of the jobs in the area but was told I wouldn't be paid until Nov. 15th. since they hold out the first month's check.  I'll be honest any one of these struggles would have sent me in a tailspin.  But I realize that these are just temporary set backs and that God would provide for us.  I also realize that Anna must have had an even worse struggle after her husband died.  She probably had very little to live off of and had nobody to take care of her.  But her focus stayed on God.  She didn't waver, she didn't doubt.  She persevered through life's struggled and kept God first in her life.  I want to be like Anna in that way I want to keep my focus on God like she did.  When I focus on God and what He wants me to do in my life then everything else just falls into place.  I am also a compulsive overeater and God has helped me to release 56 lbs. in the last 7 months. 

Lord thank you for the struggles in life because they make me appreciate you so much more.  Help me to grow closer in my relationship with you even more.  Help me to focus on the wonderful things you have done for me in my life.  Thank you for saving me from my sin and giving me the grace you have given me when I falter.  Thank you so much for the peace you have given me in the midst of the storms of life.  Thank you for helping me not to give up or give in during the struggles.  I know that You have big things for James and I to do in your kingdom.  I feel it especially now.  Please help us to overcome the trials that come our way.  I know that the closer I get to you and the more that I do for you and your kingdom work that Satan will attack us all the more!  Satan you might be big and strong, much bigger and stronger than me.  But,  My GOD is bigger and stronger than You and He will be called on any time I need His help!!!  Thank You God for all that you are doing in my life.  I love You so much and I need your help daily in fighting off the enemy.


  1. 56 pounds! Wow, congratulations! I had never thought of how Anna probably did not have much to live on... the man would have been the breadwinner and once he died she most likely would have not had a means for support. In fact, that may have been why she sought out life at the temple. Thank you for your perspective. I'll be praying for you and a job. Thanks for sharing today!
    Lauren, P31 OBS IN the Gap blog team

  2. What an amazing and beautiful post. It encouraged and blessed me. Praying that God provides your every need.

  3. What an amazing post. You are more like her then you think. Thank you for sharing your strength,hope and faith.

    1. Thank you for your comment. You have inspired me to do more.

  4. Lee what a beautiful post. Lifting you up in prayer. Hang on - Jesus has something great in store for you. Hugs. Debbie W. (OBS Facebook Group Leader)

    1. Thank you for your comment and thank you for being an OBS Facebook Group Leader

  5. What an amazing post and testimony. I love the way you listed your struggles and then related them to Anna's. Love your prespective! I also love how you worded your weight loss--"God helped me release 56lbs..." You are so right--keep yoor focus on Jesus, expect a greater attack from the evil one and let God fight those battles! God Bless you!

    1. Thanks for your comment and your prayers I need prayers so... much and I love them.

  6. Lee, thank you so much for sharing your struggles. Sometimes we like to think we are the only one struggling through life until someone brave like you helps us know that everyone has struggles. I am so blessed that you chose now to give in to God's prompting to start blogging. You did great!

    1. Christa it was hard to have the courage to do it but now that I have done it I realize that God had a reason for me to do it. Other people may need to see how we deal with things too.

  7. This was really good Losing 57 pounds in 7 months is great. I will be praying for you and your husband.I am so glad that you are allowing God to take care of your needs.God Bless

  8. Thanks so much for your comments. It is all a leap of faith.
